We are proud to announce that Triangle has recently achieved ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accreditation, further ensuring we consistently meet the needs of our Clients with our quality management systems , whilst also having a strong focus on sustainability.
Our decision to work towards ISO accreditation demonstrates our promise to providing high-quality, trusted services to our clients, and our ongoing commitment to developing sustainability in all our processes.
The process to become ISO compliant involved a long and extensive evaluation process that included an in-depth assessment of our quality management systems, a management system documentation review, and an audit of our processes and compliance.
Well done to the team for all their hard work in getting us over the line!
We are excited to announce that we have successfully been selected to be part of the next Innovation Chain North framework for both the West and East Architectural lots which will run until June 2028.
We are delighted to annouce our recent appointment to the Fusion 21 Consultants' Framework, which specialises in public sector procurement with added emphasis on social value.
The approved scheme proposes a new build 91 unit extra-care development of affordable apartments with associated access, car parking and landscaping.